week 5
Question time: answer the following questions as succinctly as possible
in your own words.
– Describe the relationship between teaching and
learning according to Maeda?
Maeda says “knowledge
makes learning simpler” meaning; the more you know, the easier learning becomes
through the process of relating previous learnt material to the new information.
Describe the importance of the use of metaphors in learning, why would
you use
them, how, give an example?
Metaphors are the easiest
way to relate a completely new method or idea to someone by relating the new concept to something else that they have already had
experience in.
what does the acronym stand for – why is it important?
BASICS are the beginning
REPEAT yourself often.
AVOID creating desperation
INSPIRE with examples
NEVER forget to repeat yourself
This method re-enforces the age-old saying of “practice makes perfect “.
– Describe a situation where you have been required to
teach someone a skill.
Learning songs in a band. Teaching someone else a riff. Muscle memory is
required and repetition is key.
How could you apply the
BRAIN principle to it?
· A song or jam always
starts off better if it is simpler.
· Desperation is avoided by
· The rhythm is created
through repetition.
Brainstorming ideas for our
collaboration film.
Still unsure of what we are doing but there is a lot of good
ideas being thrown around, mainly to do with camera angles and camera tricks.
We want to incorporate various elements of the course that we are learning,
like film, photography, design n, etc.
This video shows the art of dozens of artists around the world who are all involved in this ink drawing project.
This video shows the art of dozens of artists around the world who are all involved in this ink drawing project.
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