Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Collaboration class # 6: Thinking hats


 Week 6

The progress of our Collaboration Music Video.

This week we discussed  Edward de Bono’s “6 Thinking Hats” to help our creative juices flow. The hats are basically a project planning thinking guide.

Blue Hat Thinking- Process
  • Thinking about thinking
  • What thinking is needed?
  • Organizing the thinking
  • Planning for action

This is mainly a task of getting four minds thinking on the same page
and compromising to be happy with everyone else's idea's. 

White Hat Thinking- Facts
  • Information and data
  • Neutral and objective
  • What do I know?
  • What do I need to find out?
  • How will I get the information I need?

We need to storyboard the video and organise how long each scene will take and when people are available. we also need to tke int o account for editing time.

Green Hat Thinking - Creativity
  • Ideas, alternative, possibilities
  • Provocation - "PO"
  • Solutions to black hat problems

This is again a matter of getting people on the same page in a group production like this. 

Yellow Hat Thinking- Benefits
  • Positives, plus points
  • Logical reasons are given.
  • Why an idea is useful
When an idea is brought forward and is accepted, everyone else can own it a little and gett excited about the project.

Black Hat Thinking - Cautions
  • Difficulties, weaknesses, dangers
  • Logical reasons are given.
  • Spotting the risks
Time frames that we can work together within, equipment use, technical difficulties and taking into account that some footage may have to be re-shot.

Red Hat Thinking - Feelings
  • Intuition, hunches, gut instinct
  • My feelings right now.
  • Feelings can change.
  • No reasons are given
Inspiration or motivation can be lost. confidence that the project can be done well should not be lost and needs to be re-inforce 
2. Reading Quiz
1. Describe the relationship between complexity and simplicity 

Complexity allows us to identify simplicity when we encounter it. If we had no contrast to compare, there would be no foundation for either concept.

2. What analogy does Maeda use to demonstrate this relationship?  

Maeda descrides how blank surfaces like an empty page in a book invite chaos, in the same way that a counter top at home collects change, mail, keys and so forth. 

3. In what context does Maeda discuss rhythm / beat in relation to the fifth law Contextualise this relationship and discuss how this can be used in relation to the Student Exhibition - giving specific examples 

 Maeda talks about phrasing of beats and rythm's. He also mentions counterpoint which is a method in music where multiple musicians hover around the same rythm and tempo while each person is sitting at different speeds' for example; whole notes, half , quarter etc. Doing this hides the simplicity of each instrument and allows each part to flourish when neccessary aswell as compliment the overall sound.

This band "Isis" is awesome at counter point and this video shows them discussing how they would like the directon of the songs to go.

Art by Alex Grey

Simple design genius

Seems complex at first, but on a closer look, its just a bunch of circles and numbers.

Starts out very simple, ends up looking quite complex.

I think the main point for our collaboration video is to focus on all the key events in the video and then add in extra parts that we think couldn't hurt. 


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